Helpful Procedural Tips (for Hosts)

These are some helpful pointers I’ve gleaned from hosting a Climate Change Cafe. Take what works, leave what doesn’t!


  1. If people’s sharing is unequal and any person consumes more than their equitable share of time, consider timing sharing at any point.
  2. Consider using a talking stick when participants share.
  3. Sit in a circle or closer together to create a sense of sacred space.
  4. Confidentiality: remind guests that everything that is said in the group stays in the group.
  5. Try to strike a balance between allowing people to freely share and guiding the conversation so it flows and all have a chance to contribute.
  6. Create a list of “rules of engagement” and read them to the group so that everyone understands the operating procedures.
  7. Don’t be afraid to gently interrupt if a sharing veers inappropriately off-topic. Note: this will likely happen frequently!
  8. Remind guests to make any sharings climate change related.
  9. Consider taking a short break as an intermission to stretch the legs and use the bathroom.
  10. Encourage quiet guests to share by asking them questions or inviting them to share.
  11. Respect anyone’s decision not to share and don’t push the issue.
  12. Encourage guests to bring a friend or let others know about the group if you want more people present.
  13. Make flyers and post in appropriate places to gather interest.
  14. Begin with some moments of quiet.
  15. Open the meeting with a poem, saying, short story, or merely presenting a topic of discussion.
  16. Ask guests if they are comfortable with the agenda and what’s being shared. Adjust as necessary.
  17. Take a few minutes for introductions at the beginning of meetings.
  18. Invite an expert or presenter to share about a particular climate change-related topic.
  19. Consider providing water, drinks, snacks, or even a potluck meal if appropriate.
  20. Encourage active listening and not interrupting when others are sharing, as appropriate.
  21. Encourage authentic, vulnerable sharing to the degree anyone is comfortable and voluntarily wishes to express.
  22. Consider reading or passing out a hard copy of meeting guidelines prior to starting.
  23. Collect e-mail addresses and send out a reminder before the next meeting; consider including a climate change article or update in your email.
  24. Consider meeting on a regular basis. Establish a time and day of the week that works for as many as possible to attend, including you!