Conversation Starters

I have found it helpful to bring a theme or topic to CCC meetings. The following are examples you can use to stimulate discussion and interactions:


  • Read a climate change-related article; you can read it or take turns reading paragraphs among attendees.
  • Ask participants to share something they recently learned about climate change and discuss.
  • Read an excerpt from a book (see Resources page for suggestions).
  • Discuss a particular climate change topic. Examples include the methane issue, latest developments, resilience and community-building, climate change denial, coping internally and externally, global dimming, concerns or fears about of the future, etc.
  • The viability—including pros and cons—of where you live in the face of climate change and as conditions likely worsen.
  • Invite participants to journal for 10-15 minutes how they feel or what they are most concerned about regarding climate change; then share and discuss voluntarily (no one should be pressured to share).
  • Watch an educational or documentary video and discuss. Suggestions are in Resources.
  • Hold space for an open-ended, no-agenda conversation, allowing whatever arises to steer the meeting.
  • Discuss how to make changes for more resiliency in your local community.
  • Ask attendees what qualities they believe to be most important for climate change resiliency. You can divide the discussion into two sections: inward and outward.
  • Discuss actions you can take in your own community to offset climate change effects.
  • Make a list or discuss a prepared list of climate change preparatory actions you can take. These can include both inward psycho-spiritual adjustments and outward actions.